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House System

The House system is an integral part of our curricular and co- curricular fields. The students are divided into four houses:

  • Alhenea (Red)
  • Avior (Golden)
  • Alioth (Lemon)
  • Antares (Sky Blue)

The Captains (Senior and Junior) and Vice Captains are chosen by the Head of the institution and the teachers. The four houses have their own house mistresses to guide them.

The primary purpose of the house system is to foster a sense of community, promote teamwork and provide an opportunity for students to connect with their classmates and also develop a sense of healthy competition which is necessary for the students. The House that secures the maximum prints annually gets awarded every year.

It nurtures these tender kids seeds by teaching them the value of courage, team spirit and fair play so that they blossom into magnificent evergreen plants that foster tolerance, co-operation, co-ordination and mutual respect in the years to come.