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Rules & Regulations

§  Students are expected to co-operate with School staff and are expected to ensure that they conduct themselves in a manner, which befits the School culture and acts in the interest of the Institution as a whole.

§  Students are to converse in English inside the School premises, else they will be written up

§  Students are not to damage any School property and are liable for immediate reimbursement, of expenses incurred for repair or replacement of School property arising out of the actions of the student. Any damage to School property can also lead to expulsion from the School and the decision of the School Management will be final and binding in such cases

§  Students will use social media responsibly while discussing anything related to School, faculty and students. Students are not to post any pictures / videos pertaining to the School, faculty or other students. Any comments that go against the School’s Core Value of Respect towards all will be critically reviewed by the School Team and can be subjected to disciplinary actions including expulsion from the School.

§  Students are responsible for their own books, pens / pencils, tiffin boxes and / or other articles they get to School. Cardigans, School bags and tiffin bags must be marked with the student’s name, class and roll number

§  Students need to have at least 75% attendance to be eligible to appear in the examination

§  Students are encouraged to inculcate clean and healthy habits all the time. Tearing of pages, spilling water, littering, wasting food, chewing gum is strongly discouraged

§  Students who have been ABSENT for a day or more must write the reason for their absence in the dairy duly signed by parents and get it countersigned by class teacher before resuming class. In case of absence due to any contagious diseases, a medical certificate must be provided. Leave of absence exceeding 2 days will not be granted without a previous written application from the parents. Absence on account of birthdays, marriage feasts and similar social occasions is discouraged.

§  Students must produce leave letter in case of any absence, and medical certificates in case of recovery from contagious diseases

§  The School has a zero-tolerance policy towards the use of unfair means during any kind of examination. Strict action will be taken against those indulging in indiscipline / unfair means during examinations.

§  Evidence of inappropriate visual text, use or distribution of tobacco or any prohibited substance will invite serious consequences such as expulsion as the School has a Zero tolerance policy against substance use. Possession will be deemed as evidence of use.